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Your privacy is extremely important to us at Jernigan Law. The following information is intended to inform you of the information that we collect from you, as well as explaining why we need that information for your case. By using our website, you are accepting the practices described below.


Data/Information Collection: Non-personal data and information may be collected by this website that include the types of devices used to access this website, the number of visitors to this site, the time spent on this site, the IP addresses of visitors, and domain names. You may configure your network to limit or prevent access to the data collection process. Additional information personal to you may also be collected if you use our website or other services provided by Jernigan Law.


Data/Information Use: We use the non-personal data or information collected above to better improve our website’s performance, while also maintaining and evaluating our services. Any personal data or information collected will be kept confidential in accordance with Tennessee state law. We will also use information


Cookies: We use cookies while collecting data or information on this website. Generally, information such as your name or email address are not collected by using these cookies. However, if you previously provided personal information through this website, cookies may be tied to that information. Information gained through these cookies may be shared with third parties, and this privacy policy does not cover third parties’ use of cookies. You may deny the use of cookies by configuring your networking in such a manner.


Sharing Information: Keep in mind that the voluntary disclosure of personal information online is information that can be collected by others. Any material posted online that is accessible to the public can be viewed by third parties. Any of that information may result in unsolicited messages from third parties. While we will not sell or otherwise provide information that we collect for the purpose of mass email marketing, we will disclose information required by law or in a good faith belief that such actions are necessary in certain circumstances. Please review our legal disclaimer notice for more information.


Changes to this Policy: Jernigan Law may update information included in this policy. If any changes are made, Jernigan Law will update the following modification date.


Last Modification: July 8, 2024

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